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Coastal Ag News Roundup

July 30, 2019
In today’s Ag News Roundup, gray wolves could be removed from endangered list, water conservation key to irrigation prosperity, how to grow baby corn, bee deaths examined, and farmers offered microloans from Oregon co-op.

American Farm Bureau Want to Remove Wolf Species from Endangered List

The American Farm Bureau Federation has stated that the gray wolf should be taken off the list of endangered species. It cites that the wolf population has met the delisting requirements.

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Oregon’s Willamette River Basin Facing Water Management Challenges

According to a study published in the journal Natural Sustainability and written by economists with Oregon State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences, managing water scarcity in the Willamette River Basin could help alleviate drought conditions.

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Corn Growing Advice from the Experts

Oregon State University Extension Service has shared some corn growing and harvesting advice, including when to harvest to get baby-sized ears of corn.

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Not All Bee Deaths Caused by Pesticides

Oregon State University researchers have found that while pesticides may kill bees, not all bee deaths can be directly attributed to pesticides. According to the experts, low temperatures, nectar volume, and loyalty to a specific kind of tree can attribute to the death of whole hives.

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Farmers Offered Loans from Co-Op

The Astoria farmer’s co-op is reported to have launched a microloan program for local farmers. The $1,500 loans are designed to help small farms and those interested in agriculture to get a start in the industry.

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